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RoadID – Responsible Running and Cycling

Ok all you runners and cyclists out there – have you heard of RoadID? Often when you’re out there on the road, you might think of carrying hydration/fuel belts, keys and a mobile to call a taxi or family member in case you run into difficulties… but have you thought about carrying ID in case you are unconcious and cannot speak for yourself? Not that I would wish this upon anybody, but we all know that accidents can happen.

Last year when Craig was training for his marathon and he had increased his training mileage to the over 3hour runs, it was good to know that he had a piece of RoadID on his shoe, which had his name, blood type, any allergies and emergency contacts in case he was found unconscious somewhere. The ID plates are available as shoe pieces or wrist bands and you can choose to have a physically engraved tag or an interactive one (where it exists online and thus updateable when information changes)

Shoe with RoadID tag

The company is US-based, but the price you pay is very small for the peace of mind you could get. Check them out by clicking on their logo on the right sidebar or image below.


See you out there!


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  • CraigApril 25, 2012 - 7:08 AM

    Cheap as chips, built to last and you will probably (hopefully) never need it. But if anything ever did happen when you are out there, it might be the only ID you have with you – some great testimonials on their siteReplyCancel

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