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Organic truffles – a random find

Having a rare weekend off, Craig and I went for a spontaneous drive down to Lennox Head to mosey through the markets and enjoy the afternoon sun. Not only did we lap up the sun and remind ourselves of what a beautiful coastline we have, we found a special treat that made the trip even more worth it! We met a lady (later discovered her name was Portia) at one of the stalls selling organic lime-ade and some healthy treats. Initially we opted to quench our thirst with the chilled organic, lime-ade and returned later for a refill. It was then that looking around, my eyes were drawn to these wonderful goodies …

Assorted Organic truffles

Instead of sampling some individual flavours, we decided to buy the assorted box and save it for a guilt-free dessert tonight…. Well after dinner we couldn’t wait to break it open to see if our tastebuds would be disappointed …

Organic truffles

Organic truffles

We carefully cut each ball into halves so we could each have an equal sampling 😛 – The verdict???

Absolutely Delicious!!!

Hard to pick a favourite but the coconut, vanilla and lime were standouts for me and Craig’s favourites were the Vanilla and coconut too.

Well worth a try for the healthies out there and also those wanting a healthier treat! Check out Portia’s website Let’s Celebrate Health for some catering options, great recipe books and consultation info.


– Diana

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