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Coming back from injury – what to do while rehabbing

Well it’s been a while and I must apologise that the purple tiger has been a bit more like, what Craig calls, a pink pussycat (a bit rare and silent 🙂 Unfortunately busyness has got the better of us.

Anyway, to make up for it, here’s a post on what to do when a runner cannot run .. it is a bit tragic when a runner can’t run (or not very far) due to injury. Those of you out there who have been running for some time or have been doing any regular exercise routine, know that if you are unable to do it to the extent you previously had, it is extremely frustrating!! 🙁

Since the middle of July I’ve been experiencing sharp knee pains when running anything beyond 2-4km. So my running routine came to almost a halt. Wait – STOP! Before all you exercise skeptics out there go on a rant about how running is bad for your knees etc. hear me out.

This knee pain has not left me decrepit in anyway but has actually highlighted a muscle weakness I am grateful to know about and even more grateful to know that it can be fixed and I can still run! 😀 Since attending some physio sessions with Rachael Paxton from PhysioPlus, I have been gradually building it back up to a point where I am currently running 13km with no pain and am weening off knee strapping. Yayyyy! Not only did she diagnose the problem that I had a weak VMO (Vastus Medialis Oblique – or for us laymen, the inner quad) but has given me some great exercises to strengthen and prevent further issues. I was thrilled to see my distance increase after each visit with her. I now often look down at that muscle and smile because the little bulk has grown into a ‘bigger’ little bulk 🙂

Knee taped due to injury

So what have I been doing while I’ve been rehabbing? Maybe the pictures below will tell the story better than me … 🙂

Cross fit upper body work out

So those of you with sporting injuries – don’t despair, find an alternate way to stay fit and healthy while you are rehabbing! It beats sitting on the couch and whinging I tell you.

Until next time … see  you out there! 🙂

– Di

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