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Listen to your body …


So here’s what I learnt recently… it’s great to lead an active life, but everyone needs a break from training or intense exercise once in a while. For the last 3 weeks, I’ve been backing up my 2 hour long runs with kayak fishing and PT sessions at the gym, in amongst my other running sessions during the week. Yesterday, after my 2nd PT session, my body basically said, “That’s it, you need some time out!” I felt like a bit of a wuss when I could hardly manage 3 abdominal crunches with the PT. My body was protesting big time after not having fully recovered from my previous plyometrics session. As a result, I spent most of the day in bed, sleeping and resting. Did my body a world of good though and I’m ready to tackle the world again.

Ok so I wasn’t exactly here today, but resting is the sentiment.  😛 Taken in New Zealand – Mt Cook

Laying down in the snow - New Zealand

So the lesson is this, it is good to listen to your body and know the difference between when it is having a whinge and when it really needs time out. Is it sore or is it injured? Does it need scaling back or is it being lazy?

If you are starting out on your journey of running or active lifestyle, believe me your body will protest because it is not used to the habit change. It will protest by telling you how sore your body parts feel and question your sanity and plead with you not to subject it to it again, but if it’s just normal muscular soreness, your body is great at adapting! Push through and it will get stronger with time! Obviously, if injury has occurred, seek help from the professionals. You’ll be surprised at what your body is capable of!!

Running, Kayaking, Fishing

I remember when I first started running the longer distances over 10km… boy was I sore!! I kept asking Craig whether he ever felt like that in his marathon training and whether the soreness would ever go away. I’m glad to report that ‘it does!!’ With consistency and time I can now run a half marathon distance in my training and not only wonder around the shops afterwards with no drama to the legs but go kayak fishing all afternoon! Gone are the days of needing to be couch-bound for the rest of the day, following a long run. Craig always said that day would come and I soooo looked forward to it!!

Consistency is key!!

Garmin running activities calendar


So get out there and have fun! Find what works for you to live an active lifestyle! Learn to listen to your body. Take time out when you need it and you’ll be bounding back on your feet in no time! I like what author and runner, Tom Holland, says:

The human body deteriorates when it stops moving, not when it is in motion

— ‘The Marathon Method’

See you out there!

– Diana


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