Purple Tiger » Living Life WELL

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Our Greatest Inspiration

We couldn’t have a website about living life WELL without paying tribute to our greatest inspiration – our Lord Jesus Christ – GOD. He is the reason that we live and breath and He inspires us with all the beauty He has created for us to enjoy. We are meant to live life abundantly because that is what Jesus died to give us – not only LIFE, but LIFE ‘more abundantly’ (John10:10). Now when we say ‘abundantly’ we are not talking about the material things, we are talking about abundance of much more important things – Abundance of love, abundance of peace, abundance of joy and kindness … (Galatians 5:22-23)

To Him, we praise and give thanks for ALL that He is and ALL that He has done!

God showing us His beauty and true artistry!

Sunset rainbow from our deck

– Craig & Di

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