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What? No Chocolate?

I know of households where this would be considered swearing so it’s a good thing I’m not suggesting you go without chocolate … well, not really.

I decided to go without chocolate for 2 years when my daughter, Hope, got braces. She was told that chocolate was ‘off the menu’ while she had braces. The logic was the high volumes of sugar in most chocolate could break down the glue being used to set the braces and apparently that is not good (fussy dentists). I figured if she was going to have to try and tackle 2 years without chocolate, it would be good if she had a buddy. Well I’m happy to say that, outside of one crazy binge session that I regretted almost immediately, I made it!  Mind you, I somehow thought that hot chocolates, milo and ‘Just Natural’ chocolate malt and honey – were exempt??  (dumb dumb)

Bzzzzzt !

Long story short – I got more educated and I ended up wanting to get this sugary junk out of my diet permanently … but I would miss the tantalising flavours of chocolate 🙁

Then (once again due to great friend Josie) I heard about ‘Cacao’ – it was supposed to be a healthy alternative. Turns out it’s more than that, Cacao is Raw CHOCOLATE! Often sold organic this was a healthy, raw, vegan, Gluten-free – solution …. not as sweet but definitely chocolaty.  Now I sprinkle nibs on my breakfast and use powder in some smoothies – it also mixes well with organic yoghurt, fresh berries and chia seeds for a great dessert.

If you think this sounds brilliant, just wait till you find out the nutritional info.  The powder and nibs that we use are so potent in anti-oxidents they are 14 times more anti-oxident rich than red wine, 21 times more than green tea and 7 times more than dark chocolate; almost no sugar content and a good source of magnesium and potassium.  check out the nutritional information of the nibs and powder below

Seems as though the powder is clearly a better option if you want to pick between the 2.

So if you need a ‘healthier chocolate fix’ or a tasty energy boost check Cacao out.  You will generally find it in health food shops.

– Craig

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  • Josie LakeApril 21, 2012 - 11:47 AM

    Brilliant blog Craig! It seems like chocolate is such an addictive food (especially for gals! 😉 so consuming not only a healthier alternative but one brimming with nutritional benefits can’t be beaten! I have discovered a great chocolate craving crusher for that desperate woman (or man) about to consume a whole block of Cadbury’s “finest” … It’s really simple. 1/2 tsp of cacao nibs in 1/2 tsp of raw honey. Crunch it down! I challenge you to want to eat any chocolate after this hit! 😉

    The thing I love most about cacao nibs is the texture! Mmmmm… Deliciously crunchy but with that slightly buttery texture of processed chocolate. Particularly delicious in home made muesli bars or homemade ANZAC biscuits – perfect for this week!

    So here are some of the fascinating facts I have learned about why cacao is such a great product. Particularly for women, there comes a time every month when chocolate cravings hit a high. Have you ever wondered why? Well, it’s not actually the chocolate your body is craving (though by this point there may be sugar addiction dictating ones eating habits), it’s magnesium! Magnesium is an essential mineral that every body needs to function effectively. So why is it particularly relevant to women? Magnesium deficiency can lead to increased occurrence of cramping and even fatigue. Both issues women deal with on a month to month basis. So, replacing sugar-filled commercially made chocolate with cacao products will do your body a world of good! Furthermore, getting rid of sugar in your diet will increase mood-stability and sustained energy levels (besides a billion other benefits 🙂

    One last interesting fact about magnesium you may not know…It is magnesium, not calcium that helps form hard tooth enamel, resistant to decay! Without magnesium your body cannot effectively absorb calcium!

    Enjoy! 🙂ReplyCancel

    • CraigApril 21, 2012 - 11:57 AM

      Way cool comment Josie – so much great info shared. ‘Like’ ‘Like’ ‘Like’ReplyCancel

  • David FreundMay 23, 2012 - 10:56 AM

    Hey Tiger Team, I’m a cacao fan from way back (even use the same brand you guys do) but hate the straight up taste of it. Here’s a bit of a recipe I use for a tasty protein packed energy drink.

    2 scoops of whey protein isolate
    1 scoop organic cacao powder
    1 teaspoon cinnamon
    1 huge slurp of pure cream
    splash of vanilla essence
    some cold water

    In a shaker, shake it, enjoy.

    Low carb, gluten free, lactose free (no lactose is in cream) and full of delicious healthy fats. Cinnamon reduces insulin sensitivity but doses over 2 teaspoons a day can be dangerous. I get the whey protein from a bulk foods store. It’s whey cheaper (ha, see what I did there) than buying bodybuilder style protein powder mixes.ReplyCancel

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