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So, Why Run?

OK so it should be obvious by now that running is one of our passions. Like many other runners we have been called crazy – I mean who would want to wake up at 4:40am in winter when it is raining outside, slip on some active gear and head out for a 2hr run before work? No one in their right mind surely…

Yes – we love running. Did we always love running? Not at all, when we started to run it was NOT fun. Will you love running? I have no idea, but I’m pretty sure you won’t even like it when you first start out.

I started running because I wanted to achieve something – I wanted to run a marathon.  Not far down this path running became part of my lifestyle – I enjoyed it, I looked forward to it. Di’s motivation to start was to have an exotic breakfast at Palm Cove when we were on holidays. After running her first 7k and following it up with a tropical 3 course breakfast – she was hooked 🙂

If you want to see if you might like running – try it for a while. Come up with a good reason that motivates you to persist for a little while …. and you might just get hooked.  When you start out it will be inconvenient and hard work, there will be lots of reasons to stop.  My only tip – run slow, really slow, so that you could still hold a conversation.  Before you know it you might be saying “I am a runner, I must run”

Oh, and there are some interesting ‘side effects’.  A book I read when preparing for the marathon “The Marathon Method” by Tom Holland  (pg.17) sums it up well:

Allow me to list a few of the positive side effects of cardiovascular exercise, specifically running, which include the following:

  1. Increases HDL levels (the ‘good cholesterol’)
  2. Helps prevent and control diabetes
  3. Lowers blood pressure
  4. Increases cardiovascular function
  5. Promotes weight loss
  6. Helps prevent cardiovascular disease
  7. Increases insulin sensitivity (decreased insulin sensitivity can lead to type II diabetes)
  8. Increases bone mineral density
  9. Increases self-confidence and self-esteem
  10. Decreases symptoms of depression

This is by no means a comprehensive list…

Now I don’t know about you but I can see a big list of suppliments and prescribed medication in those side effects.  When I have a bit more time I will do some sums and work out how much it would cost if I wasn’t running  🙂   Now time to head off for a run – see you out there…

beach running Ballina

– Craig

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  • CharlieApril 4, 2012 - 7:10 PM

    Hi Diana and Craig ,

    What a great site , congratulations !
    It is now bookmarked


    • CraigApril 5, 2012 - 4:03 PM

      Thanks Charlie!

      We hope to get you in as a guest blogger soon. I’m sure readers will be interested to hear from you about accupuncture as a means to treat or even prevent injury. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • ryanApril 28, 2012 - 9:01 AM

    This is awesome. Ive been running a fair bit, its soooo good. Cant wait to out run you in a miny marathon haha.ReplyCancel

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