Purple Tiger » Living Life WELL

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Tag Archives: Healthy lifestyle

The Purple Tiger’s founder (my wife) was set to run her first Half Marathon race – May 6, 2012.  Diana began preparation for this event back in July last year and after 133 training runs, logging over 1,300km – she was ready.   She was ready for the race, but I’m not sure she was ready […]

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Ever felt like you have it tough? Things just not going to plan? Your goals or dreams just seem too hard to reach, too many barriers and problems to overcome? Demoralised? There were times over the 13 months of marathon training that I thought like this. It’s those rare times when you feel like giving […]

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In this post, we decided to bring you an interview with a friend who has recently told us of an activity goal he has set for himself. We thought it might help some of you out there thinking about starting to run or pursuing an active goal. We also thought it would be great to […]

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Now for those that know me I’m not a super focused goal setter, but if I get a crazy idea in my head I sometimes chase it down with bulldog tenacity.  Well the thought, decision & commitment to run a marathon was one of those. * I entertained the thought – This is where actions […]

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