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Jesse Perkins – Half way to the Goal

Back in April we interviewed Jesse as he had set himself a 10 week goal. The goal in his own words…

“to be able to run 10km straight without stopping and to do this within 10 weeks. Also during this 10 weeks, I’m cutting out alcohol and I’m going to try and clean up my diet a bit more”

Here is another mug shot so we know who we’re talking with…

Well, right now he’s part way through week 8 but we caught up with him at the end of week 5 to get a “half way” update:

Q: Congratulations, you are half way – how is it going?

Good! Better than expected. I’ve reached 10k already – maybe I set the goal too low.

Q: What would you reset the goal to?

Consolidate the 10k by getting faster at it… and maybe take the distance up to 16k?? <Why 16k?> Sort of just a number off the top of my head. Also wasn’t that what you did before you decided to do a marathon?<yep> Also the way things have been feeling it looks like it might be achievable.

Q: It sounds a bit like you are starting to enjoy this running thing?

Possibly …<long pause>… I’m just surprised it is not hurting like it used to.  I don’t feel like I’m dying anymore, yet I’m running further and faster.

Q: So I believe you have a couple of events coming up?

I do, I have the original nemesis – the Darrel Chapman 6k – I think I’ve ‘run’ it 3 times but this year the goal is to really run it (I’m sick of dueling with the power walkers for the last 3 years).  I’ve also registered for the Gold Coast 10k at the end of June – that should be an interesting experience … how many runners – 5,000 or something.

Q: OK 5 weeks ago when you set your goal you weighed 97kg so how is it looking now?

<Jesse walks over and weighs himself> Wow, 93.4kg now !

Q: I’m pretty impressed with that weight loss, how do you feel about it?

I’m pretty impressed too!! I haven’t been checking my weight at all so it’s good to see that 5 consistent weeks of running is having such a good impact. Actually, that means I have lost about 9kg all up since I started running.  I don’t think I have ever lost anything like that ever.

Q: Do you feel healthier?

When I’m running I do. I’ve noticed changes at squash. I can’t blame cardio for any of my losses now and I’m no longer finishing matches looking through a red haze. <mutual laughter>

Q: While you are not following a strict diet, how are you finding trying to eat healthier?

Generally quite easy … with a few temptations along the way. I haven’t been a saint. I’ve mainly been trying to keep away from the obvious issues like sugar/confectionary, fast food chains and deep fried stuff.

Q: No doubt there are plenty of unhealthy temptations every day. Do you have any tricks that motivate you to make the healthy choice?

I think about how many K’s it would take me to undo it.  I also think about whether I really want it, or if there is a healthier option that I will enjoy just as much.


Since this interview Jesse has run the Darrel Chapman 6k without stopping (at just over a 6min/k pace – that is 10k/hr for the treadmill runners out there) and just last weekend 13k non-stop.  I think we need to talk more seriously about re-setting the goal next time 🙂

– Craig

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  • Denise ClarkOctober 30, 2012 - 6:04 PM

    Go, Jesse, go!ReplyCancel

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