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Chia Seeds !!

There is not much I can say about this little power house that hasn’t been said before. Promoted as one of natures ‘super’ foods, this little package contains some interesting goodies.

from the Chia Co Australia

Chia seeds come from the herb known as Salvia hispanica and are documented to have been originally grown in South America. It is believed that chia seeds were first used as food as early as 3500 BC and were one of the main dietary components of the Aztecs and the Mayans. So what is so special about them? Chia seeds are an excellent plant based source for:

  • Soluble and insoluble fiber
  • Omega 3 ALA
  • Protein
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamins and Minerals
  • … and … they have no flavour (simple to add to anything without changing the way it tastes)

To get a thorough understanding of the nutritional benefits of these seeds, go to  www.thechiaco.com.au/discover-chia/nutrition  This page has some great information and if you follow the links in the “Chia and the modern diet” section you will get a detailed break up of nutritional quantities in a typical daily serve (15g)

As mentioned above the seeds are easy to add to anything.  You can also buy a ground version of the seed which can be used mixed with flour for cooking, and chia oil for salad dressings.  You will notice that we often use chia seeds in mixes and recipes we share on this site, so you will find there are many ways to introduce this to your diet. Another cool thing about these seeds is that you can use them dry … or you can add them to water (each seed can absorb up to 9 times it’s own weight in water) to form a chia gel.  This gel adds a wonderful texture when mixed with your favourite yogurt or added to a drink, and can be used as a thickening element to smoothies. Check the difference below.

dry and wet chia seeds

To make the gel simply add 1 part chia seeds to 8 parts water, stir – let rest for 10 min – stir again and let rest for another 10min.  Then it is ready to use or store in the fridge for later.

Also worth noting is the gel version is what ends up happening in our stomach no matter which way we consume it. This has a range of benefits for our digestive system but also helps us feel fuller for longer. So if you are trying to lose or manage your weight, you might find this helpful.

Make sure you have a good read of the link above and if you want more opinions on this seed Google and YouTube are your friends- enjoy!

– Craig

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  • farhadDecember 24, 2014 - 5:38 PM

    thanks for all of these collection (Seeds) and their related benefits for human ,it is very valuable info for every one
    with many thanksReplyCancel

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