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Crazy X 2

It is now less than 2 weeks out to the annual Gold Coast Airport Marathon events where Craig and I will be running in the full marathon – YES you heard it right, we are both doing it this time – the full 42.2km!! My husband’s craziness 2 years ago has rubbed off on me and he has recruited another crazy to run the distance as well – What was I thinking???

Crazy x 2 =

One started with finishing a marathon and the other wears a smile after running on a sub 5 degree morning

What’s ironic is that 2 years ago, the thought of running such distances was like anticipating a trip to the moon – never going to happen! Even after having run 2 half marathons last year, I was too scared to face doubling the distance … I mean I was well stuffed after each race, how could I run that distance again right??? I have to say, I don’t think any of us realise how much our bodies are capable of. With the right training, it can do amazing things! As it was designed!!

Now I’m looking forward with excitement and nerves. Part of me wants it over with so I can relax but the other part wants to savour the moment and ‘enjoy’ the experience, not knowing what the last 8-10km would bring. Then the competitor in me says, ‘It would be so great to get my time goal of under 4 hours.. have I done enough training??’. Sooo many thoughts racing through my head, as my heartrate begins to rise in anticipation… but I know I need to keep calm and focussed and remember to breathe 🙂 . In any case, I think the last 10kms will really be a test of mental strength.

I’ve envisaged it for sometime now, Craig and I running together and crossing the finish line hand-in-hand, victorious in our quest and taking in the euphoria of having run such a distance – me for the first time, and Craig his second, but all the while, by my side and supporting me! Hopefully we’ll be able to walk afterwards 😀

The faces of crazy … We do everything together 😀

As I write this, Craig has got a physio appointment tomorrow to look into a really sore soleus muscle in behind his left calf and I am waiting for the pain in my right ankle to go away. So I guess we are going to be running on faith that God almighty will see us through! If anyone can, He can!

Here’s to the countdown – 13 days to go!!

And because we thought this was funny …


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  • VickiJune 25, 2013 - 9:09 AM

    You guys are so cool! Love this post, gives me goosebumps. Will see you up there! I’m excited!ReplyCancel

    • DianaJune 26, 2013 - 9:31 AM

      Thanks Vicki. You and Scott will do great you fitbodz 🙂 Looking forward to catching up with you up there!ReplyCancel

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