Purple Tiger » Living Life WELL

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  • Welcome to the Purple Tiger!

    A place where we share our pursuit of a lifestyle of activity, healthy living and joy! Inspired by God and a passion to live life to the fullest (John 10:10)

    We want to wake up each morning, looking forward to the day ahead, energised and ready to go! Purple Tiger symbolises that pursuit and no doubt we'll be learning along the way.

    This is Craig and Di, and if you're crazy enough to want to join us on this journey, give us a shout out!

    Image compliments of our great friends from
    Vibrant Photography

For some time now we had been thinking of eliminating products from our home that contained harsh chemicals and other toxins – especially the ones we put on our skin! With some help from a couple of dear friends, Jose and Matt, we took the plunge and began to try some products.

This is what we came home with in our first shopping trip… PS the bee pollen is not for the skin πŸ™‚

Natural products for the skin

We are glad that we have embarked on this journey and won’t be looking back! Since then we have slowly been transitioning the products in our home as they’ve run out. I will be including some of my thoughts on the things I’ve tried in the ‘Product Reviews’ area because one thing I’ve found in trying things is that it can get pretty expensive and I was always on the lookout for reviews of products to help me make a decision on what to buy.

If you’ve got recommendations or thoughts on what has worked for you, feel free to share it! Would love to hear what your experiences have been.

And as extra food for thought, check out this story on cosmetics

Until next time

– Diana

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OK so it should be obvious by now that running is one of our passions. Like many other runners we have been called crazy – I mean who would want to wake up at 4:40am in winter when it is raining outside, slip on some active gear and head out for a 2hr run before work? No one in their right mind surely…

Yes – we love running. Did we always love running? Not at all, when we started to run it was NOT fun. Will you love running? I have no idea, but I’m pretty sure you won’t even like it when you first start out.

I started running because I wanted to achieve something – I wanted to run a marathon.Β  Not far down this path running became part of my lifestyle – I enjoyed it, I looked forward to it. Di’s motivation to start was to have an exotic breakfast at Palm Cove when we were on holidays. After running her first 7k and following it up with a tropical 3 course breakfast – she was hooked πŸ™‚

If you want to see if you might like running – try it for a while. Come up with a good reason that motivates you to persist for a little while …. and you might just get hooked.Β  When you start out it will be inconvenient and hard work, there will be lots of reasons to stop.Β  My only tip – run slow, really slow, so that you could still hold a conversation.Β  Before you know it you might be saying “I am a runner, I must run”

Oh, and there are some interesting ‘side effects’.Β  A book I read when preparing for the marathon “The Marathon Method” by Tom HollandΒ  (pg.17) sums it up well:

Allow me to list a few of the positive side effects of cardiovascular exercise, specifically running, which include the following:

  1. Increases HDL levels (the ‘good cholesterol’)
  2. Helps prevent and control diabetes
  3. Lowers blood pressure
  4. Increases cardiovascular function
  5. Promotes weight loss
  6. Helps prevent cardiovascular disease
  7. Increases insulin sensitivity (decreased insulin sensitivity can lead to type II diabetes)
  8. Increases bone mineral density
  9. Increases self-confidence and self-esteem
  10. Decreases symptoms of depression

This is by no means a comprehensive list…

Now I don’t know about you but I can see a big list of suppliments and prescribed medication in those side effects.Β  When I have a bit more time I will do some sums and work out how much it would cost if I wasn’t runningΒ  πŸ™‚ Β  Now time to head off for a run – see you out there…

beach running Ballina

– Craig

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  • CharlieApril 4, 2012 - 7:10 PM

    Hi Diana and Craig ,

    What a great site , congratulations !
    It is now bookmarked


    • CraigApril 5, 2012 - 4:03 PM

      Thanks Charlie!

      We hope to get you in as a guest blogger soon. I’m sure readers will be interested to hear from you about accupuncture as a means to treat or even prevent injury. πŸ™‚ReplyCancel

  • ryanApril 28, 2012 - 9:01 AM

    This is awesome. Ive been running a fair bit, its soooo good. Cant wait to out run you in a miny marathon haha.ReplyCancel

We couldn’t have a website about living life WELL without paying tribute to our greatest inspiration – our Lord Jesus Christ – GOD. He is the reason that we live and breath and He inspires us with all the beauty He has created for us to enjoy. We are meant to live life abundantly because that is what Jesus died to give us – not only LIFE, but LIFE ‘more abundantly’ (John10:10). Now when we say ‘abundantly’ we are not talking about the material things, we are talking about abundance of much more important things – Abundance of love, abundance of peace, abundance of joy and kindness … (Galatians 5:22-23)

To Him, we praise and give thanks for ALL that He is and ALL that He has done!

God showing us His beauty and true artistry!

Sunset rainbow from our deck

– Craig & Di

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Hi! Welcome to the Purple Tiger!

“So what is a purple tiger?” Well in order to answer, I’m going to have to tell you a story that started back in July of 2011. I hope you like stories, cause you’ll get a lot of them here and maybe you can share some of your own! πŸ™‚

Back in July 2011 my husband, Craig, and I took a month off work and our holiday began with Craig running the Gold Coast marathon for the first time ever. I know I hear you saying, “That’s a holiday? Are you nuts??” Yes we are a little crazy! πŸ™‚ That was an amazing journey in itself, and you can read about the before and after on our photography blog if you like. I have to say, watching Craig approach the finish line after running almost 4 hours, with the crowd cheering and music blaring from the grandstand, I was extremely proud, relieved and inspired!

Finish line at 2011 Gold Coast Marathon

I think that was possibly when the seed for the purple tiger was sown!

My passion for running started to grow in the few short weeks that followed. It wasn’t hard when I had beautiful stretches of beaches along the east coast to run on and delicious food to recover with πŸ˜› Although at the back of my mind, I wondered if it was just a fleeting holiday fancy?

Nonetheless, to feed my newfound interest, my sneaky husband stocked me up with some great lookin Lorna Jane gear – good thing he has great taste and such a cute smile! πŸ˜› So after almost an hour in store and leaving as a Lorna Jane Very Important Woman, I was locked in! I had to run now, otherwise I would have wasted all that money!

Trinity Beach, breakfast and Lorna Jane

So let’s wind forward… 8 months later, lots of new socks, a few knee and ankle injuries, 4 bruised and battered toes, a number of blisters and 3 pairs of new joggers later … I am glad to declare that I LOVE RUNNING!!! Geez I sell it well don’t I? I know I see you shaking your head saying again “crazy, crazy, crazy!!” I have to agree with you on that one. In fact I was just thinking that, on my run this morning, that who in their right mind would think that getting up at 4:40am after having only about 2.5hours sleep, to run in the dark with drizzly rain and do 10 sets of hill repeats would feel so good! Now I know that you’re sure I’m crazy and think I should get my head checked – but you runners out there know what I’m talking about!! It’s the runners’ high – once you get it, you’re hooked! πŸ™‚

Anyway, the key to the purple tiger is not so much in the running, but it was inspired by what a couple of fellow runners nicknamed me after they saw my latest pair of shoes. In my defence, I didn’t buy 3 pairs of shoes because I wanted to be fashionable or wasteful, but in my trial-and-error to find the right shoe, the first two pairs were beating up my toes so much, I thought my chances of becoming a foot model would surely perish if I didn’t stop running – Noooo!!! My ever optimistic brain says ‘there’s got to be a solution, there’s got to be a right pair of shoes for me’ So I am hoping my latest pair – fondly nicknamed my ‘purple tiger’ will be the end to my Frankinstein feet. I’ll keep you posted!

Brooks Adrenaline to Asics GT 2160 to Mizuno Wave Elixir 7

“But so what is the big deal – purple tiger? – why set up a whole website for it?” As I said, it’s not just about running. Ever since Craig and I embarked on this crazy running journey, one of our goals was to make it a lifestyle change and not the seasonal fad that it had been. “To really change some things, you’ve got to change some things”. In the process, we have embraced a re-education of what we’ve been taught about food, health and what’s good for our bodies. The purple tiger, for us, embodies our pursuit of a life lived WELL – in all manner of speaking.

We so don’t have all the answers, but we are on a journey, just like you, so let’s pursue the purple tiger together!

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  • Warren QuigleyApril 16, 2012 - 9:14 AM

    Just looked up the ‘Purple Tiger’…inspirational stuff!!
    Well done Diana

  • DianaApril 16, 2012 - 9:31 AM

    Thanks Warren! You and Charlie have to be credited for the name ‘Purple Tiger’. After all you did give it to me! πŸ™‚ You guys are pretty inspirational yourselves! Keep up the great running champ and see you out there!ReplyCancel

  • Allan SealeyApril 22, 2012 - 10:04 AM

    Wow guys, you’ve done a great write up, makes me want to don the runners and go, go, go!
    Instead I will go, go have a pizza (Gluten free)no cheese.
    Seriously, we admire you both so much.The site looks great, those photos look familiar, the food and the beaches. Come on now, it was tropical inspiration!
    We will follow with great interest.
    We can offer Kodie with purple scarf as mascot… not quite the tiger, unless she’s hungry!
    Well done and a very happy journey.
    Allan & MargoReplyCancel