Purple Tiger » Living Life WELL

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We’re Back

Hello again,

Sorry we’ve been so quiet.  We have been busy winding up our photography business and various other side ventures.  Now we have a little more time we are setting more goals and toying with some new adventures.

Some interesting (or not) facts since we last posted:

  • Di has run 521km
  • I have run 263km
  • Christmas came and went … with 2012 not far behind
  • The Australian government is still mayhem
  • We feel holiday deprived
  • Di caught her biggest Bass
  • We have continued investigating healther eating (more to be revealed later)

In general, it’s been busy …. but good 🙂

So it feels like a new chapter, season or day for the Purple tiger crew.   ** Do you have any thoughts on what challenges or adventures we should look at next? **

Let us know your ideas in the comments – you might inspire us 🙂

 ~ Craig

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  • SamMarch 28, 2013 - 3:56 PM

    Please do share your findings on healthier eating 🙂ReplyCancel

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