Purple Tiger » Living Life WELL

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Wow! Bob did it

It’s amazing on so many levels. You can check out Bob’s pre Comrades interview to get the full picture but he has finished this monumental 89.2k ultra-marathon  …  IN STYLE

Inspirational to say the least.  Bob, our hats are off, you have set an amazing standard for the rest of us.

~~ CONGRATULATIONS from your running buddies at Purple Tiger ~~

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  • Mandy StewartJune 5, 2012 - 11:03 AM

    You said it all and the welcome back party will be on for sure !!ReplyCancel

  • bob wellsJune 15, 2012 - 11:16 PM

    Thanx for all the support. It really made an enormous difference as I pushed on along the road to Durban. As I was running down Polly Shortts hill I sang (out loud …for all my fellow Comrades runners to hear) a line from our college song about being “lifted up on eagles wings” as I could really feel your thoughts of encouragement being the wind beneath MY wings.
    In the final 5 kms as most of the others were fading into a stagger or walk, I saw an old (like me) african who had encouraged me to “go” with him (ie run ) up Cowies Hill. So I ran up beside him and he said the down hills were slowing him up. I was going OK and I said “hook on” and we ran non stop to the line together in true COMRADES attitude………..Bob XXXOOOXReplyCancel

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