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Category Archives: Food For Thought

Since we purchased our blender some months ago, we’ve been getting quite creative in the smoothie realm! Mmmmmm smoothies!!! In our experimentation one night, we came up with this … I must have an affinity with the colour purple 😛 We’ve decided to call it the ‘Purple People Eater’ and it is a great smoothie […]

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Coconut water from a fresh young green coconut is one of nature’s most refreshing drinks and is soooo good for you!! So good in fact that it has been known to be used in plasma transfusions because it has the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood! It’s a “fluid of […]

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Now for those that know me I’m not a super focused goal setter, but if I get a crazy idea in my head I sometimes chase it down with bulldog tenacity.  Well the thought, decision & commitment to run a marathon was one of those. * I entertained the thought – This is where actions […]

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