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Noosa Half Marathon – done and dusted

The Purple Tiger’s founder (my wife) was set to run her first Half Marathon race – May 6, 2012.  Diana began preparation for this event back in July last year and after 133 training runs, logging over 1,300km – she was ready.   She was ready for the race, but I’m not sure she was ready to face this for the first 3 days after…

This was the ladder to our ‘loft’ bedroom (hehehe)

I’m sure she slept easy that night knowing that she had this to face for the rest of the week – not to mention – the pre-race butterflies that were just starting to fly in formation.

The next day we rose early and walked about 2km to the race start.  It was a cool 12.4c and not a cloud in the sky.  Humidity was behaving itself so conditions seemed ideal for Di’s maiden half.  We got to the race precinct in time to watch the start of the 160km bike race – they had a big day ahead of them.

Next up was the Half Marathon.  I think I was getting more nervous than Di at this point, she was looking excited and just keen to get started.  She didn’t have to wait very long

They were off !!

I went for a walk out on the course – strategically placed to catch Di at the 10k and 11k mark. The first thing I noticed as she came past at 10k, was that the pace runner she was hoping to stick with – had mysteriously disappeared???  Not sure what happened to ‘Mr 1hr 50min’, but it didn’t seem to be bothering Di.

Diana Baker while running Noosa Half Marathon 2012

Looking strong and just a little bit cocky at 11km (10 to go)

At this stage she was on target to break a 1hr 50min goal that she set herself … but did she go out too hard or was there plenty of fuel left in that little tank?  Only time would tell so I moved to the finish line.

Noosa Half Marathon Finish

She flew past that fast, I almost missed her – as the clock shows  *** 1hr 47min ***

Not too shabby, only 1min behind my maiden half marathon (Diana’s official results here).  The smile on her face told the story – she was a finisher…

Post Noosa Half Marathon with Finisher

… but was this the smile of someone relieved to have ticked another one off the bucket list … or had she caught the bug? Was this to be her first and last half marathon … or will there be more … or will she go further?

Noosa Half Marathon bib number

Done & Dusted

Should she run more half marathons?  Should she step up to the full marathon?  Should she transition to triathlons? Should she just take up rock climbing and build an indoor wall in our garage?

Leave your comments and let us know what you want to see Di tackle next  🙂

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  • DianaJune 5, 2012 - 11:07 AM

    Can’t believe that was 5 weeks ago! Can still remember the sweetness of finishing! Well I suppose I’m going to burst one bubble by saying that I’m registered to do another half marathon at the Gold Coast coming up in about 4 weeks… but … who knows after that 🙂ReplyCancel

  • VickiJune 5, 2012 - 12:00 PM

    Diana, you’re a little go-er!! I can see more halfs, a marathon and a few tri’s down the track!ReplyCancel

  • Charles HewJune 5, 2012 - 7:26 PM

    there is no question , it’s a natural progression to a full marathon next yr


  • JesseJune 5, 2012 - 8:14 PM

    Well done Diana !! i saw all the hard work and early mornings you put in to achieve this great result.

    and definitely Rock Climbing next 🙂ReplyCancel

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