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Suck It Up!

Ever felt like you have it tough? Things just not going to plan? Your goals or dreams just seem too hard to reach, too many barriers and problems to overcome?


There were times over the 13 months of marathon training that I thought like this. It’s those rare times when you feel like giving up that you need to get some perspective …. and …. suck it up. I had 2 fitness go-to videos that helped me get perspective on my training problems or setbacks. They motivated me to move from ‘demoralised’ and ‘defeated’ to ‘resolved’ and ‘determined’. So just in case it can help others with activity goals or dreams … here are my ‘suck it up’ favourites 🙂

More about the team Hoyt story here


These were good for me because these guys had more challenges than me and went further than I probably ever will.  Just to clarify an Ironman Triathlon is a 3.86km swim, followed by a 180.25km bike leg, and then to finish a 42.2km run.  You just can’t do that unless you ‘Suck It Up’

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  • VickiApril 24, 2012 - 11:35 AM

    Great videos! I love your “Suck it up” motto. Mine is very similar, “Suck it up Princess” lol! Loving this blog Craig and Di, keep up the great work 🙂ReplyCancel

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